Thursday, 12 September 2013

Flex HTML ToolTip Component

To enhance the normal tool tip functionality to have html style break/ font weight for a portion of string:

You need to create a action class like this:
package com.philip
import mx.containers.*;
import mx.controls.Text;
import mx.controls.ToolTip;
import mx.core.*;

public class HTMLToolTip extends ToolTip
public function HTMLToolTip()
{    super(); }

override protected function commitProperties():void{
textField.htmlText = text;

to use this set this in your main component, call this function on creationComplete:

import com.*;
private function init():void{
ToolTipManager.toolTipClass = HTMLToolTip;
myBtn.toolTip = "this is HTMLToolTip."


The original post has strong tag but that didn’t work for me in Flex 3.5 SDK worked fine

Link to the original post

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

How to configure Railo – Tomcat – Apache on MAC Lion Mountain 10.8

Last week I updated my operating system from Snow Leopard  to Lion Mountain 10.8, system has upgraded itself.

Only two problems I faced:

1) Little Snitch got removed (V 2.2), I had to buy Licence for upgrade of version 3.02 – Lion cost me more :(

2) I had ColdFusion 9.01, which stopped working as Lion upgrade had reinstalled Apache removed old httpd.conf and httpd-vhost.conf files (actually renamed them as httpd.conf~previous.

I tried to move virtual sites from old to new but it didn’t work.

Web Sharing option got removed from System Preference - To get it back I found this post which provides a tool to get it in Sys Pref under Other:

Explanation, good article to read: Restore Web Sharing in Mountain Lion

Get the tool from here: WEB SHARING IN OS X MOUNTAIN LION

I made few changes to Apache config files, by default it uses web server document folder here:


I have changed this and few other settings in httpd.conf (/private/etc/apache2/)

1) Find ServerAdmin and change email address to yours one (around line no 153)

2) Find ServerName and change it to cfdev also add following in hosts file (/private/etc/) cfdev  (now you can get to your webserver by localhoost/ cfdev/

Make sure you uncomment this line (at line no 481) Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

3) create a folder sites or whatever name you waant to give at root level

4) Find DocumentRoot (line no 169) and change it to “/sites”

5) Find < Directory and change it with “/sites”

6) Open file httpd-vhost.conf from /private/etc/apache2/extra/

7) Uncomment NameVirtualHost *:80 (Line no 19)

8) Add following virtual host (default) site

DocumentRoot “/sites”
ServerName cfdev
DirectoryIndex index.html

9) Add / Create index.html in /sites folder as a place holder

10) sudo apachectl restart (to pick-up the changes

now open browser and browse http://cfdev or http://localhost and you should see your default web page

Railo Installation:

Download your railo installer from here

Scroll down and pick MacOS installer infront of Railo Server with Tomcat 7 title

Open it up and follow the default steps:

It will normally Install under this location and picks port 8080 – /Library/Railo/tomcat/

now if you browse http://localhost:8080/ you should see the tomcat page

1) Open web.xml from tomcat/conf folder

Add following at around line 422 (This will help if you use CFWheels frame-work


2) Open server.xml from tomcat/conf

3) go to line no 90 and un comment following:

This will help us to use apache server on port 80 to create virtual sites.

at around line 123 you will see default website for this Tomcat server

create a folder under /sites folder – which will be your first local site say – firstSite

inside the folder create index.cfm

now create a virtual site in server.xml like this: (above
unpackWARs=”true” autoDeploy=”true”
xmlValidation=”false” xmlNamespaceAware=”false”>

save the file and restart the server (Tomcat):

4) open terminal window and go to /Library/Railo/tomcat/bin

run following command: sudo sh (to shutdown the server)

Now run this command to start it: sudo sh

5) add following in hosts file:

now browse and you will see your first site index.cfm running

6) open httpd.conf from /private/etc/apache2/

add following (Thanks to Anuj Gakhar this post)

Allow from

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPassMatch ^/flex2gateway/(.*)$ ajp://localhost:8009/flex2gateway/$
ProxyPassMatch ^/messagebroker/(.*)$ ajp://localhost:8009/messagebroker/$1
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.+\.cf[cm])(/.*)?$ ajp://localhost:8009/$1$2

now open httpd-vhosts.conf from /apache2/extra/ folder and add virtual site (key to this set up is you need to add virtual site pointing to the same folder with same url under both servers)

DocumentRoot /sites/firstSite
DirectoryIndex index.cfm

AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Options +Indexes

ErrorLog firstsite.error.log
LogLevel warn

restart your apache server and

browse  and you should see your site running on port 80

How to resize and crop Image Using Coldfusion script

I had requirement on my site  to resize Image after uploaded by user in two sizes one for view page and one as thumbnail, I found some script on web and improved it to fit in my requirement. here it is. I expect this code will reside in a CFC function

var l = {}; // local struct

/* Read file  and we will resize and crop it to make 200×200 */

l.img = ImageRead(“path of the image to be resized”);

l.resizeOriginalFlag = 0;
If( l.img.height GT l.img.width )
If( l.img.height GT 200)
ImageResize( l.img,’200′,”);
l.resizeOriginalFlag = 1;
l.fromX = l.img.Height / 2 – 100;
else if( l.img.width GT l.img.height )
If( l.img.width GT 200 )
ImageResize( l.img, ”,’200′);
l.resizeOriginalFlag = 1;
l.fromY = l.img.Width / 2 – 100;
ImageCrop( l.img,l.fromY,0,200,200);
If( l.img.height GT 200)
l.resizeOriginalFlag = 1;


<!— <cfdump format="”html”" output="”/sites/resize.html”" var="”#cfcatch#”"> —>

Where do you need to use javascript MV* framework

I like following while I was reading an article on javascript frameworks: I thought it is worth repeating:

So, where will you likely need an MV* framework and where won’t you?

If you’re writing an application that will likely only be communicating with an API or back-end data service, where much of the heavy lifting for viewing or manipulating that data will be occurring in the browser, you may find a JavaScript MV* framework useful.

Good examples of applications that fall into this category are GMail and Google Docs. These applications typically download a single payload containing all the scripts, stylesheets and markup users need for common tasks and then perform a lot of additional behavior in the background. It’s trivial to switch between reading an email or document to writing one and you don’t need to ask the application to render the whole page again at all.

If, however, you’re building an application that still relies on the server for most of the heavy-lifting of Views/pages and you’re just using a little JavaScript or jQuery to make things a little more interactive, an MV framework may be overkill. There certainly are complex Web applications where the partial rendering of views can* be coupled with a single-page application effectively, but for everything else, you may find yourself better sticking to a simpler setup.