Saturday 14 March 2009

Working on Saturday

I have to come on Saturday to work, so next release can be done in time for Internet World.

Friday 13 March 2009

My New Car - RAV4

I bought a new car/SUV yesterday, its one year old, Toyota RAV4 XT5 Automatic and have amazing feature, I was very thrilled when I drove it to home and went on a ride with my dream girl Ritu, she loved it too.
My kids who are in uni want to enjoy this ASAP, I guess, LOL.

Out of one feature, it senses the key itself and bearer don't need to press the button, just he has to open the driver side door.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

ColdFusion > JVm memmory status

<cfset runtime = CreateObject("java","java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime() >
<cfset freeMemory = runtime.freeMemory() / 1024 / 1024 >
<cfset totalMemory = runtime.totalMemory() / 1024 / 1024 >
<cfset maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory() / 1024 / 1024 >
<cfoutput >
Free Allocated Memory: #Round(freeMemory)#mb

Total Memory Allocated: #Round(totalMemory)#mb

Max Memory Available to JVM: #Round(maxMemory)#mb


Tuesday 10 March 2009

CF 8 - New Identity COL feature

I like the new feature of getting Identity column value from cfquery in CF*, saved me couple of line of code to get the value from SCOPE_IDENTITY() (MS SQL system variable), you just got to put result name in cfquery tag and then you can get it as resultname.IdentityCol, there is one restriction, you should have just one insert statement in that cfquery, when I had one local query lookup which was saving its result in local @VAR then this IdentityCol thing didn't work.

let me know if you are not clear about what I am saying, LOL